My brother died on January 22, 2004; 3 years later, and weighing almost 40 pounds more than I did when my brother was sick, I was fighting cancer. During my illness, a family member, who had had prostate cancer a few years earlier, very pessimistically told me that “people always tell your life will change and you’ll do great things after beating cancer…nothing is different, but your new scars.” Every day since, I’ve been determined to disprove that declaration and not be defined by my new, slightly disturbing, abdominal scar. Besides, the last thing my parents needed was to experience the death of another child; so I made changes. Some were not so drastic. For instance, I began carrying around spinach…yes, carrying around usually in a napkin and then adding it to any food I would eat to ensure I was getting the most nutrients (my nephew calls this my “pocket spinach”). With that simple change, I lost nearly 20lbs. Next, I began moving. Due to my surgery, it was hard for me to lift and do regular core exercises right away, like crunches, so I jumped. Jumped on trampolines, moon bounces, and anywhere else I could. I am not one for “normal” exercise, so I would also play at the park with my niece swinging across monkey bars, often falling on my face, playing tag, and climbing everything in sight. Losing another 15lbs with this regimen, I hit a plateau, so I researched “fun exercise for adults”. Hidden past all of the cross-fit and bar classes (who are they kidding? Cross-fit is fun???) was aerial yoga. I began trying various forms of aerial fitness with cirque du solei silks, yoga hammocks, and trapeze bars. I found my joy in this and my muscles! I wasn’t just losing weight, but I was building serious strength. Aerial has given me the ability and confidence to create my own form that I call “Sky Yoga.” This class is for anyone of any ability as modifications are simple and plentiful. Whether you are hoping to increase strength or ease your mind and spirit or just stretch your back and “tech-neck” everyone is welcome. Email skyfitness@thehiveonhubbard.com to get more info or sign up on the MindBody App search "The Hive on Hubbard."
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